Monday, April 19, 2010

All About Overalls

I'm blogging about how I wore overalls today. Seriously.

I don't have a picture, but it looked kind of like this.


Andrew and I crashed the mall.

My overalls were so comfortable and I didn't have to carry a purse because everything fit in my pockets. When I got cold, I just put my hands inside my of my overalls.

Here are some other overalls



Wear Overalls

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Two Things I Learned About Fashion Today

I went shopping at Forever 21 today and walked away with nothing. However, I did learn two very important things.

1) This looks fucking terrible on actual human beings. If you aren't 6 feet tall and weigh 90 lbs, don't bother.


2) Super skinny jeans (you know, the kind that look more like leggings than pants) are useless. It took ten minutes to get them on and I pulled an arm muscle trying to get them off.

I wore a belly shirt today. Why? Because I'm a badass.